

Ireland has the following demographic features except().

A.it has a low birthrate
B.it has a late marriage age
C.it has an excess of females in the population
D.it has a high proportion of bachelors and spinsters of all ages

乡宁县| 洮南市| 邯郸市| 金华市| 普陀区| 灌阳县| 苍山县| 呼玛县| 新营市| 雅安市| 佛学| 会昌县| 安福县| 高雄县| 瓦房店市| 平昌县| 贵州省| 镇赉县| 东阳市| 普兰店市| 晋中市| 济南市| 全椒县| 吉林省| 嫩江县| 抚宁县| 南木林县| 盐源县| 武宣县| 永州市| 嫩江县| 顺平县| 遂平县| 拜泉县| 子长县| 青州市| 清涧县| 南京市| 特克斯县| 蒙城县| 高陵县|