VLAN Trunk Protocol (VTP) reduces administration in a switched network. When you configure a new VLAN on one VTP server, the VLAN is distributed through all switches in the domain. This reduces the need to configure the same VLAN everywhere. VTP is a Cisco-proprietary protocol that is available on most of the Cisco Catalyst series products. There is a Lab(about VTP) in the cisco CCNP BCMSN 642-812 exam.


These are your specifc tasks:
1. Configure the VTP information with the distribution layer switch as the VTP server
2. Configure the VTP information with the access layer switch as a VTP client
3. Configure VLANs on the distribution layer switch
4. Configure inter-VLAN routing on the distribution layer switch
5. Specific VLAN port assignments will be made as users are added to the access layer switches in the future.
6. All VLANs and VTP configurations are to completed in the global configuration To configure the switch Click on the host icon that is connected to the switch be way of a serial console cable.